Welcome to the Mind Whoosh! What you’ll find here is a smattering of thoughts on minds, realities, and speculative wonderings. I usually add a sprinkle of optimism alongside whatever thicc slice of existential dread was in the fridge last night.

To me, some of the most fulfilling ways to spend time in this world are indulging in exploration, getting lost in thought, and meandering through deep conversations in the early morning hours. I hope to bring a few of you into that headspace with me, share in the creativity that emerges when curious minds sail unknown waters, and revel in the journey together. I hope you’ll come along for the ride!

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The meandering thoughts of a curious humanaut drifting minds, realities, and the delicious melange of our shared sentient meat-space.


🤸‍♂️EXUBERANT🧘‍♀️ Creator & Technologist🛠 | Exploring Mind, #XR, & #AI 🧠 | Life-long musician🎶, full-time over-thinker (https://t.co/SOISSkD7OX) He/him